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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thinking of You

Dear Friends, Just a note to say Happy July 4th to all.  

Canonsburg, Strabane and many other places including Bridgeville where you live Jean have such a special place in our hearts for many many reasons  especially around this time with the big 4th of July parade.  Our family just never missed it, even with the big crowds. 

When Jerry and I first married in 1962 - I traveled every Friday down and back on old 519 to the Bridgeville Trust  to do our banking from West McMurray Road  (I-79) that now takes us up to Betty and Hutchs neighborhood.  

Strabane was where I walked home with Martha many times from the Alexander school to eat lunch and as I have told Martha, always enjoyed the opportunity to spend a little time with her mother that was so sweet.

I had not been on the Canonsburg Friends website for quite a few days and felt so bad to see about the passing of Al Moze. We try to read the Washington Observer online often but as we know you know the time just gets away.

Dick,  there are not enough words to explain to you how wonderful and awesome the Canonsburg Friends website is especially to us folks that moved away.  We realize many people send articles but you deserve so much credit for your work and keeping it going.

Will close and we think of all of you often and have a wonderful holiday and stay safe.
Gwen (Glass) and Jerry Yerkey