Hi and Thank You for your responses(23).
The following names were mentioned regarding ownership of "The Spot":
- Tele & Elizabeth Haddad
- Bart DeStephano
It may be that over the years there were multiple people in involved in The Spot.
Regarding their "Favorite Pizza" question, the following ranks the responses.
2. The Spot
3. DiCarlo's
4. Sam's(I'd like four slices please,,,,,,no... you taka six" )
There were also three very enthusiastic "write in" pizzeria choices, and if on the official ballot( my oversight) could of rated # 1.
- Stella Kutch
- Mama Pagano
- Mama Terling
So that I may do some further follow-up:
Does anyone have any contact information for either George, Doris(Dolly) or Rebecca Haddad; Tele & Elizabeth's children
- Bart DeStephano
Dick Garboski