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Monday, March 10, 2008

Mrs.Crumm's 5th grade at Third Ward School in 1951-52

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All of these grade school pictures are amazing, but I don't see any from the South Side. So here's Kathleen Crumm's 5th grade at Third Ward School in 1951-52.

Standing, from left, Saundra Milligan, Rita Boniventura, Marilyn "Patty" Washchock, Judy Weber, Dorothea Schussler, Hazel Horton, Kathleen Crumm, Mary Livolsi.
3rd. row, seated, Patty Leson, Reinette Boling, Barbara Kahn, Jacquelyn Lorry or Lorey
2nd row, seated, Vernon Smith, Jim Herron, Anna Maria Colaizzo, Eric Houston, Helen Mezey
Front row, Donna Lipinski, Patty Graytock, Bob Hummell

The class seems to have had a Y chromosome deficiency.

Jim Herron